Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Truth Just as Strange, If not Stranger than Fiction

So, tell me, does this not sound like something from Night of the Living Dead or Night of the Comet (1984)?

Yahoo! News reports that villagers in Southern Peru are mysteriously becoming sick after a meteor crashed in their village. "Residents complained of headaches and vomiting brought on by a "strange odor," local health department official Jorge Lopez told Peruvian radio RPP." The meteorite left a 100 by 20 foot hole in the ground from which boiling water seeped.

"'Residents are very concerned,'" said Lopez.

No shit! Next thing they know, they're zombies!

I expect, as all of you Max Brooks followers know, that this parallels a Class I outbreak. The scariest kind, in my opinion, "the most common type of outbreak and the easiest to go unnoticed" (24).

Now, I'm the irrational type, as we all know, and the first thought that ran through my head was, "Eeek, zombie apocalypse. Where's my baseball bat?" Because we're all like that, us zombie people, the type who zombie-proof their dwellings, mentally fortify against the dead, and are always on the lookout for a blunt instrument should the shit hit the fan. We're nutty, us zombie people.

I expect it's a control issue. The two types of zombie people I've encountered are as follows:

  • The Anarchist: Gleefully awaits the zombie apocalypse so that they can unleash some serious hell. Generally the type who likes to bust shit up, stick it to The Man, and basically watch the strict confines of culture and society crumble around them, as they dance joyfully in their chaotic freedom.
  • The Anal Retentive Prick: Thrives on order, rationality and reason. Painstakingly prepares for the zombie apocalypse so they won't be caught unawares by the walking dead. Hates the contradiction, chaos, and metaphysical messiness the zombie quandry presents. After all, if death is reversible, what happens to all of the other so-called "rules"we base civilization on? Unloads an atomic amount of pent-up repression on the zombies, thereby setting the world to rights again.
Which are you? I suspect we're all a little of both. After all, who hasn't felt a twinge at the unnaturalness that is the zombie, while at the same time happily daydreaming of kicking some zombie ass, Resident Evil style? I know I have!

On a serious note, I sincerely hope the meteor hasn't made anyone any sicker. That would be awful - zombies or not.

And now, just for fun, a Night of the Comet trailer:


Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention that story. Neil Gaiman mentioned it in his blog a couple days ago. Strange minds think alike, I suppose.

Amanda said...

Oh my God, Eric, I think we ARE the same person....

I just saw that yesterday.


At least Neil know what's up.

Anonymous said...

Eerie. You'll really have to stop spying on me from inside my closet.